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How To Optimize Your Body's MASTER Fat-Burning Gland

by Shaun Hadsall

Evidence-Based Strategies To
Naturally Increase Thyroid Hormones

Key Facts At A Glance:

  • Thyroid hormones play a critical role in our body's chemistry, carrying messages between cells and organs.
  • Thyroid hormones affect our body's functions, sexual development, mood, how well we sleep, how we manage stress, how our body breaks down stubborn body fat, and absorbs nutrients from food.
  • When thyroid hormones are in proper balance, other hormones help the body thrive.  When they are suppressed and out of balance it wreaks havoc on the metabolism, digestive tract, and immune system.
  • There are dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to help optimize your thyroid hormones, helping you regulate your metabolism and control your body weight. More below…

The thyroid is the most metabolically active gland in your entire body, so it's responsible for helping regulate all other hormones.

Every cell inside your body has receptors for thyroid hormones.

So if your thyroid hormones are being produced at full capacity, weight loss becomes more effortless because it rebalances your hormonal condition.

If your thyroid gland is not active enough, however — which is the case for over 20 million Americans — losing even a single pound can become seemingly impossible.

Uncontrollable weight-gain and excessive fat-storage are inevitable.

Especially around the tummy, backside and thighs... because your thyroid is your "weight-loss gas pedal".

It literally controls your body weight and regulates the speed of your metabolism, but after you get beyond 40 years old, thyroid levels rapidly decline, slowing down production of your body's other fat-burning hormones.

It's like slamming on your "weight loss brakes".

All the years of toxic buildup from the foods we eat, the water we drink, even the very air we breathe each day contribute to a slow-functioning thyroid.

Hazardous substances like insecticides, flame retardants, PCBs, dioxin, BPA, phthalates, cadmium, lead, and mercury…

All of these are regularly found in the urine and blood of even the most fit and healthy people.     

And get this…

Most harmful toxins are structurally similar to thyroid hormones so this actually "tricks" your master fat-burning gland into accumulating heavy metals and other inflammatory chemicals.    

These disruptive agents are inside your body right now.

They damage your cells and clog up your thyroid gland—leading to a severe hormonal imbalance, which prevents you from releasing your most 'stubborn' fat cells.

How do you know if you have a
toxic thyroid imbalance?

If You're Currently Experiencing One Or More
Of These Symptoms The Root Cause Could Be
From A Thyroid Hormone Imbalance

Discover Clinically-Tested Ingredients
That Boost Thyroid Hormones

Natural Remedies That Fix Your
Thyroid Hormone Imbalance

11 Foods That Help Boost
Thyroid Hormone Production

One of the easiest ways to maximize your thyroid output is by adding the following foods to your diet, which are high in iodine and selenium.

Sea vegetables (like Seaweed), Eggs, Fish, and Raw Dairy are all high in iodine—a building block of thyroid hormones.

Brazil nuts, Oysters, Raw Sunflower Seeds, Pasture Raised Pork, Grass Fed Beef, and Mushrooms are all very high in selenium, which is essential in converting thyroxine to its active form—T3.

Drinking a shot of chlorophyll upon waking can also help boost thyroid function.

Anything that has extra iodine will be beneficial.

Strategically Eat MORE Carbs

Most people think avoiding carbs is one of the answers to achieving their ideal weight, but nothing could be further from the truth if you understand how your hormones work.

You see, whenever you avoid carbs and calories for more than a week, it decreases your conversion of T4-T3, leading to impaired thyroid function.

The reason this happens… the reason your body feels sluggish…

The reason you can't eliminate stubborn pockets of fat when you avoid carbs for extended periods is because the #1 building block of your thyroid hormones, called TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone… is Glucose.

Where do we get glucose from? Carbs!

Simply put: glucose and your thyroid hormones rely on each other synergistically.

So if you constantly avoid carbs, your body cannot convert T4 into the active hormone T3.

In other words, many of the high-carb foods dieters intentionally avoid are necessary if you want to increase thyroid hormone production.

A good rule of thumb is to eat a healthy high carb dinner 2-3x per week. Try to choose healthier options like varieties of potatoes, rice, quinoa, oats, and beans.

If you exercise consistently another great strategy is to reward yourself with a high-carb cheat meal and dessert. Pizza, pasta, Mexican, Chinese, it's all on the table, but there's a caveat.

You have to earn the right by exercising consistently and eating a clean diet the other 6 days of the week.

Exercise LESS!

Conversely, there's plenty of research showing that resistance training or high intensity exercise actually helps release powerful fat burning hormones, like adrenaline and growth hormone—without compromising your thyroid health.

Bottom line: if you want to optimize your thyroid gland, along with other weight-regulating hormones, ditch the long duration cardio.

Try walking after breakfast, lunch or dinner—and use short, high intensity exercise sessions 2-3x per week.

5 Clinically-Proven Nutrients That
Naturally Increase Thyroid
Hormone Production

Thyroid Booster #1:


Iodine deficiency is surprisingly common and affects nearly a third of the world's population. Without adequate Iodine your body cannot make thyroid hormones.

Over the last 40 years, average iodine levels in people's diets have declined by 50 percent in the US.

When there is insufficient (or no) iodine in the foods we eat, our thyroid gland doesn't have the raw material it needs to do what it is designed to do.

Since your body does not make iodine on its own, the ONLY way to get the right amount is through outside sources.

  • Converts thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) into its active, usable form
  • Necessary for a properly functioning metabolism
  • Protects your body from toxins
  • Keeps your brain sharp
  • Powerful antioxidant (potentially as potent as vitamin C)
  • Helps prevent thinning hair

Unfortunately, the diet of most Americans has been stripped of the wholesome and restorative substances, such as iodine, needed to maintain a healthy thyroid.

Thyroid Booster #2:


Bladderwrack is an iodine-rich member of the seaweed family and it's essential for thyroid health.

It's also rich in other thyroid healing nutrients such as iron, magnesium, fiber, folic acid, and vitamins B-2 and B-12.

Other benefits for improving metabolic health include:

  • One of the world's highest iodine containing sea vegetables
  • Iodine concentration helps normalize T3 and T4 hormone levels
  • Highly bioavailable because of how it interacts with thyroid hormones
  • Source of fucoxanthin, which is known for increasing fat loss
  • Natural diuretic; flushes unwanted toxins and excess fluid from the body
  • Reduces inflammation and water retention

Thyroid Booster #3:


Selenium "activates" your thyroid hormones so they can be used by the body. 14

The body turns the mineral selenium into the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which protects the thyroid from free radicals reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. 15

Selenium is also critical in the conversion of T4 (the inactive form of thyroid hormone) to T3 (the active form) and it has been shown to decrease the risk of developing thyroiditis.

This nutrient is essential for your thyroid health and several other anti-aging benefits:

  • Acts as a POWERFUL antioxidant defending the body from cancer
  • Protects your heart and reduces your risk for coronary artery disease
  • Increases mental clarity and improves memory loss
  • BOOSTS your immune system
  • Protects the Thyroid Gland from inflammation

Thyroid Booster #4:


Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb that's classified as an "adaptogen", which simply means it can help you manage stress.

Ashwagandha provides a variety of other benefits for your body and brain as well.

This herb has been shown to increase circulating levels of T3 and T4.  

Clinical research also shows ashwagandha has benefits for the liver and this is where T4 converts into the active thyroid hormone T3.

Other known benefits of ashwagandha include:

  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces risk of diabetes
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Balances cortisol levels
  • Boosts brain and memory function
  • Helps fight against cancer by promoting the death of tumor cells
  • Shown to reduce symptoms of depression
  • Helps increase strength and lean muscle mass
  • Promotes healthy cholesterol levels
  • Prevents thyroid inflammation

Thyroid Booster #5:


Zinc is similar to selenium because it also helps the body "activate" your thyroid hormones. 18

Scientific studies also show zinc helps the body regulate TSH by increasing T4 to T3 conversion. In other words, it tells the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones. 19

In one study, participants who took zinc for 12 months had T3 levels come into the normal range. They also showed improved communication between the hypothalamus and the thyroid. The hypothalamus is responsible for releasing the hormone which tells the thyroid to release TSH.

Research shows a zinc deficiency is also associated with decreased thyroid hormone levels and a lower resting metabolic rate.

Other benefits of zinc include:

  • Decreases inflammation
  • BOOSTS immune health
  • Accelerates healing
  • Reduces risk for deadly diseases
  • Improves vision
  • Improves thyroid hormone production

And then there are the other known benefits of getting adequate amounts of zinc like cell growth, gene expression, protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, and enzymatic reactions.

PLUS: 9 more powerful ingredients clinically proven to support thyroid hormone production...

The OVER-40 Thyroid Detox Formula also includes these 9 powerful ingredients clinically proven to boost and support the health of your thyroid:

  • Vitamin B-12 (supports energy production to eliminate fatigue)
  • Magnesium (converts the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active form of T3)
  • L-Tyrosine (an amino acid that serves as a building block of thyroid hormones)
  • Schizandra (fights against free radical damage, while reducing inflammation)
  • Copper (helps to maintain optimal thyroid gland function)
  • Manganese (required to produce superoxide dismutase, an anti-inflammatory)
  • Molybdenum (low levels could lead to a toxic buildup of fluoride in the thyroid)
  • Cayenne Pepper (naturally boosts and supports metabolism)
  • Kelp (a type of seaweed that replenishes iodine levels)

As you can clearly see, this research-backed formula has everything your body needs to detoxify your thyroid and balance your hormones.

Remember, no matter how hard you try to eat healthy, detoxifying your thyroid with a scientifically proven mix of ingredients is essential for your metabolism and hormones.

All-day energy, a faster metabolism,
improved immune health, a sharper mind
and powerful thyroid detoxification
in just a few seconds each day

And when you join our thyroid boosting community today, we'll also give you FREE Instant Access to two Thyroid boosting bonuses...


Six Thyroid-Killing Foods To Never Eat

Did you know many of the foods you eat every single day (including many so-called 'healthy' choices) could be preventing your thyroid gland from functioning properly?

Six of them are commonly eaten diet foods, and they're the culprits you want to avoid.

Problem is, they're probably in your pantry or fridge right now and it's time to toss them in the trash if you care about your thyroid health.

These hormone killing foods include:

  • A wildly popular and frequently consumed drink which blocks iodine receptors
  • A so-called healthy protein that can dramatically increase your risk of developing thyroid disease
  • A commonly used food additive that attacks and inflames your thyroid gland
  • A breakfast staple recommended by your doctor for decades that wreaks havoc on your thyroid hormones

These mainstream diet foods, which are often touted as being "heart healthy" and "low calorie" could just be, yet another, root cause of your weight gain, and lack of energy.

Because we share your passion for achieving optimal health, we created the Six Thyroid-Killing Foods to Never Eat bonus guide so you have the necessary information to optimize your hormones and safeguard your thyroid health.


11 Recipes That Detox Your Thyroid Gland

Our recipe guide is designed to show you exactly which foods have been scientifically proven to stimulate hormone production to help detoxify your thyroid.

Inside this FREE guide you'll receive step-by-step, mouth-watering recipes tested and developed to support and enhance the thyroid health of men and women over 40.

You'll enjoy gourmet chef created, thyroid-boosting meals, such as:

  • Salmon Patties with Greek Yogurt Sauce
  • Grass-fed Beef Omelet with Mushrooms, Cheese & Spinach
  • Sesame and Thyme Crusted Tuna Over Arugula Salad
  • Tuna and White Bean Salad
  • Sesame Beef Stir Fry

Now, you could spend a bunch of time scouring the web or looking on Amazon to get your hands on all 14 of these thyroid-healing ingredients to try and save money…

But I've already done the grunt work for you.

You see, after Karen finished her chemo and radiation treatments her blood work revealed she had unusually low thyroid hormones, so I went on a mission.

I spent several months relentlessly investigating the scientific research behind thyroid health before approving each ingredient to ensure her maximum thyroid boosting results—and safety.

The reason I was so determined to create my own formula was for one simple reason… price.

After doing the math of trying to take each ingredient separately, it added up to $211 per month—just for Karen.

Then there's the headache of dealing with 14 individual products and having to choke down 14 separate capsules every day. A chore in itself.

So I decided to have it privately formulated so all 14 thyroid-boosting ingredients could be taken in just a few capsules each day.

Just Click The Learn More Button Below To Reawaken Your Sluggish Thyroid

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  1. Reversing Hypothyroidism naturally, Thyroid., by Dr. Jones, march 3, 2014
  2. Proc Nutr Soc. 2007 Feb;66(1):69-81. Effect of cooking brassica vegetables on the subsequent hydrolysis and metabolic fate of glucosinolates.